The breastplate of High Priest was beaded with twelve natural gemstones which represented the twelve tribes of Israel.
Those were natural gems that we wear until today, some of us can actually feel their good vibes and influence on our body and soul.

Those are the twelve gemstones corresponding tribes and attributes
Rubi- Reuben- Fertility and power
Garnet- Judah- Strengthens the boody
Opal- Dan- Creativity
Aquamarin- Asher- Communication
Topaz- Simeon- Intelect
Sapphire- Issachar- Whisdom
Agate- Naphtali- Power and stability
Onix- Joseph- Protection and courage
Emerald- Levi- strengthens heart and back
Quartz- Zebulun- Cleansing
Amethyst- Gad- Balance
Jasper- Benjamin- Healing and strengthening of body
Jewels with those natural gems are available at my workshop at old Akko lanes and online .

You are welcome to choose yours: